Monday, August 2, 2010

Rest Day for 15M Class

Monday 2nd August 2010

Competition Day 5 18M: Day 6 Open Class

Today was declared a rest day (Day Cancelled) for 15 M due to the whole class' out-landing (many in Serbia) and late arrival back at Szeged last night (and the wee hours of this morning for some!).
Today is blue, with max Cu for the day 2/8, predicted in the late afternoon. It feels hot and dry (less humid), so here's hoping the blue thermals are really there today.
Open class were first to launch @ 1245 and 18M @ 1300. Tasks are 3 hr AAT for both; point to point 327.4 km and 315.6 km.
Start gates opened 1340 and 1353 respectively and Tom and David have both started on task sounding reasonably happy with conditions compared to yesterday. Only reports from Tom have been 2-3 kts going to the dizzying heights of 4,000'! He did however expect conditions to improve as the day progressed.
It's rather sad not having Graham and Mark here now, however we are all absolutely in support of the decision Graham made not to continue.

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