Sunday, August 1, 2010


I am withdrawing from the competition. I have been worried for my safety on every flight in this competition so far.

This morning I looked at the glider on the launch grid and just didn't want to get in.

Maybe a bit soft but I think those who have flown with poor visibility at such low altitudes in such crowded skies (including a few maniacs) may understand.



  1. Hi Graham,
    Number one priority - have fun! If it's not, don't do it...understand your position entirely, Szeged has not been a pleasant experience for the Team.
    Come safely back to Oz and some real thermals!
    Kindest wishes,
    John Welsh.

  2. Hi Graham, I found the emotional management one of the hardest things to deal with. I have to admit that after the fatality in Prievidza I would not have needed much convincing to withdraw. There are definitely changes needed to the format of Worlds events in order to improve their safety. But so much of what you take away from a comp can be coloured by just one or two events - the weather; Lars' accident; disappointing results. Follow your instincts and do what feels right - but remember - you can still fly any day you wish, just for fun, on your own terms. Have a fly, avoid the gaggles, go first or start really late; don't worry about the results sheet. You are there - make the most of it and just have fun.

  3. It was about time someone took a stand. I hope your example raises questions and more pilots will join you. It is just another accident waiting to happen. it is just a matter of time. Way too many gliders on same competition and if you fly like an ass (dangerously) you won't get penalized. That must change.

  4. lots of respect for that descision, hopefully more pilots will do the same

  5. Hi Graham,
    Brave decision!
    But not only brave, to my opinion also very wise. This WGC is obviously being run by dilletantes that are not ready yet for such a big event. They have more pressing matters at hand in Hungary. The WGC must surely be one of the - if not THE - last item on that countries' priority list.
    I wish you safe return to Down Under and hope to visit your beautiful country one day to do some proper gliding.
    Good luck,
    Leo Simons
